Hell architect xbox
Hell architect xbox

hell architect xbox

While sand box mode gets boring quick, the various scenarios are designed to test your skills against challenges not found in sand box mode. What they should have done was take Hell Architect’s much more fun scenarios, and chained them together to form a campaign-or at least featured them more prominently. The one you’ll probably jump into after the tutorial is the sand box mode, and honestly, that’s too bad. There are multiple ways you can play Hell Architect. You use those materials, along with the suffering and essence you gathered, to create buildings to make food, drink, ways to get around, torture devices and more. You expand to make areas to create various buildings, and mine materials like iron, coal, and crystals. It’s played from a sidelong 2D perspective which, when zoomed out, gives the impression of creating a giant ant farm in a hellscape-which is, you know, pretty damn cool. Screenshot: Hell Architectīuilding in Hell Architect works as it does in most colony sims. Conversely, there’s a lot of work that goes into keeping your souls alive, fed, and happy-lest they be taken to that other place, and not toiling in your boiling underworld. I mean, you literally harvest energy from these hapless souls by either torturing them, or outright killing them to harvest their essence. You do have to be funny when dealing with subject matter that is a little dark. I really like Hell Architect’s art style, and its sense of humor. That’s great, but gameplay-wise, Hell Architect does very little to stand out from its peers, except for its sense of humor. It’s like developer Woodland Games wanted to come up with a fun, somewhat subversive concept to build an amusing colony sim over, and hell is what they came up with. You know when you walk into a Chinese restaurant, and they have the same menu pictures as the last Chinese restaurant, and you think, “damn, there must be a start-up kit for Chinese restaurants.”? Well, that’s what Hell Architect feels like. But while Hell Architect certainly has the tongue in cheek humor and cutesy art style to make hell’s suffering look less hellish, it has some severely phoned-in gameplay that can best be described as “basic.” Screenshot: Hell Architect I love its concept: you’re the architect of hell, and you have to create the perfect torture chamber for those poor damned souls that drop into your domain. It’s a decent 2D base building and colony management game. Okay, maybe I’m starting off a little harsh.

hell architect xbox

I think I’ve had Dungeon Keeper as a standard in my head for so long, it’s always a massive disappointment when a game comes along, promises “evil” and is just a mediocre take on an already established genre, just with an “evil” theme put on top of it. In it, you play as a malevolent dungeon host you breeds nasty creatures and sets up traps to defend their dungeon from goody-goody adventurers. I think the first time I was introduced to the concept of playing the bad guy in a video game was Bullfrog’s classic Dungeon Keeper.

Hell architect xbox